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Understanding the meaning of iWitness

The term iWitness refers to the thread of observation available to humans in any conscious moment. In the context of my own felt experiences, iWitness is where I metaphorically sit and observe my internal and external environments. The practice of inviting what is present to arise without judgment or assumptions can be difficult and this is where we can lean into the gentle art of loving-kindness towards our own self. Be gentle, be kind, take your time. There is no right or wrong, just curiosity.

I understand from my teachers and lived experience that being actively involved in the observation of one’s interactions is an integral part of a life long practice and can bring a deeper sense of connection to this human experience. 

So how is it for YOU to sit in observation with whatever is present in any given moment? 

Can you invite in a smile as the constant stream of thoughts and feelings move through your mind? Are you aware of the dance of the internal and external environment of where you find yourself in any given moment. Noting the presence or absence of human and non-human beings. Is the constant energy of life present to you, even within the motion of your own breath? 

When we allow ourselves to be the observer we deepen our capacity to witness our connection to source, and open to possibilities beyond our conditioned thinking. 

Can you iWitness what your attention is drawn to if you drop in a little deeper under the surface? What memories may arise, what colours appear and what sounds stand out in your ears?

The practice of iWitnessing can be challenging, particularly in the beginning. Our busy minds can race in to impose restrictions on the experience, suggesting assumptions and judgements that may not even belong to your true nature. These restrictions are often imprints from our enculturation - how, where and with whom we have grown up.

In this sense, a tightly woven cultural filter may only allow a diluted version of what could be there to be present.

In the practice of simply sitting with the thread of observation, the deeper aspects of what is present in that moment may be experienced and embodied— a precious opportunity to be with your glorious individual spirit. 

Art in the Moment is a fascinating form of iWitnessing. In this process, Bubaloo Fahy allows herself to be open to any representation of mark-making. There is such freedom in the way the marks can fall, subconsciously mapping out Bubaloo's instinctual territory. iWitnessing in this space without assumptions, fear or trepidation allows the artworks to flow to their own rhythm, and the results can be very illuminating. You can observe some examples of Bubaloo’s creations - Click on the image above and it will link to the Artworks page. 

Gratitude and respect for my teachers: 

Lissie and Shane Turner, who continue to heighten my understanding and practice of being the best version of myself.

Ron Curran of Dynamic Drawing, who cracked open my instinctual visual territory many years ago and continues to believe in my artistic heart dialogue.

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